
Andrew Garfield - filmography

3 January 2025

We Live in Time
Directed by: John Crowley
Cast: Florence Pugh, Andrew Garfield, Adam James
Category: drama / romance

Film o miłości „tu i teraz”, który poruszy wasze najczulsze struny. Przygotujcie się na wzruszający, ale niepozbawiony dobrego humoru emocjonalny rollercoster i nie zapomnijcie do kina zabrać chusteczek!... more

4 February 2022

Directed by: Gia Coppola
Cast: Maya Hawke, Andrew Garfield, Kalena Yiaueki

Film wyreżyserowany przez Gię Coppolę – wnuczkę słynnego Francisa Forda Coppoli („Czas Apokalipsy”, trylogia „Ojciec Chrzestny”) oraz bratanicę uznanej reżyserki Sofii Coppoli („Między słowami”). W... more

The Eyes of Tammy Faye
Directed by: Michael Showalter
Cast: Jessica Chastain, Vincent D'Onofrio, Andrew Garfield


21 September 2018

Under the Silver Lake
Directed by: David Robert Mitchell
Cast: Andrew Garfield, Riley Keough, Topher Grace
Category: comedy / crime / drama / mystery / thriller

David Robert Mitchell, the creator of the horror film "Something for me walks", returns a full of black humor, a crime story referring to the classic films noir. Starring Andrew Garfield ("The Amazing... more

2 February 2018

Directed by: Andy Serkis
Cast: Andrew Garfield, Claire Foy, Hugh Bonneville
Category: biography / drama / romance

An extraordinary real story that sometimes in the worst moments you can find real happiness.

Screenplay by the co-founder of the films "GLADIATOR", "LES MISERABLES: NĘDZNICY",... more

17 February 2017

Directed by: Martin Scorsese
Cast: Adam Driver, Liam Neeson, Andrew Garfield
Category: drama / history

Inspired by real events, and executed with an extraordinary flourish latest film creator of "The Wolf of Wall Street," "The Departed" and "Goodfellas." For thirty years the outstanding director Martin... more

4 November 2016

Hacksaw Ridge
Directed by: Mel Gibson
Cast: Teresa Palmer, Andrew Garfield, Luke Bracey
Category: biography / drama / romance

True story of a man who became a hero of one of the bloodiest battles of World War II, although he refused to carry weapons.

The decline of the Second World War. The US military takes heavy fighting... more

25 April 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Directed by: Marc Webb
Cast: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx
Category: action / adventure / fantasy

It has always been clear that the most serious problem to which they have to face Spider-Man was a conflict with itself: the struggle between the everyday and the extraordinary Peter Parker Spider-Man... more

6 July 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man
Directed by: Marc Webb
Cast: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans
Category: action / adventure / fantasy

Nowa obsada, nowy reżyser, nowa historia. Czy zupełnie nowe podejście do najbardziej kasowego komiksu wszech czasów się powiedzie? Jak widać na przykładzie serii o Bondzie, odświeżenie tematu może okazać... more

15 October 2010

The Social Network
Directed by: David Fincher
Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield

Każda epoka ma swoich wizjonerów, którzy pozostawiają po sobie odmieniony świat. Rzadko jednak odbywa się to bez sporów dotyczących tego, co dokładnie się wydarzyło i kto był obecny w chwili tworzenia.... more