Cinema program "The Girl on the Train" in Lublin
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"The Girl on the Train"
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Runtime: 112 min.
Production: USA , 2016
Category: mystery / thriller
Release Date: 7 October 2016
Distribution: Monolith
Directed by: Tate Taylor
Cast: Rebecca Ferguson, Emily Blunt, Luke Evans
Filming biggest bestseller in recent years.
No. 1 selling books in Poland for many months.
The leader of the list of New York Times bestseller.
Thriller, which dethroned the "missing girl".
Sometimes innocent dreams turn into a frightening reality.
Devastated divorce Rachel spends his days on the fantasies of a beautiful couple living in the house, which every day passes riding a train. One morning I saw there something that will soon turn her life upside down. Rachel will be forced to deal with the gruesome mystery whose solution may be beyond her strength.
"Excellent thriller. I could not tear through the night "
STEPHEN KING about the book

Movie trailer: The Girl on the Train
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Książkę czytałam była super... Czekam na film:-)