

Directed by: Pablo Moreno

Cinema program "Poveda" in Lublin

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Original title: Poveda
Runtime: 116 min.
Production: Hiszpania , 2016
Category: biography / drama / history
Release Date: 16 March 2018
Distribution: Mayfly

Directed by: Pablo Moreno
Cast: Ainhoa Aldanondo, Alejandro Arroyo, Miguel Berlanga

The year 1901, young priest Pedro Poveda begins priesthood among the poor inhabitants of the caves of the town of Guadix. Soon, it is decided to take action for women and for children's education. It soon turns out that not everyone supports the efforts of the clergyman ...

An inspiring story of the life of the Spanish priest Pedro Povedy, who in 2003 was declared a saint by Pope John Paul II. Poveda founded the Teresian Association dealing with the spiritual preparation of teachers. He actively supported the fight for women's rights. He died a martyr's death in 1936.

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