Cinema program "Les nouvelles aventures d'Aladin" in Lublin
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"Les nouvelles aventures d'Aladin"
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Runtime: 107 min.
Production: Francja/Belgia , 2015
Category: comedy
Release Date: 26 August 2016
Distribution: Monolith
Directed by: Arthur Benzaquen
Cast: Kev Adams, Jean-Paul Rouve, Vanessa Guide
Captivating comedy for the whole family. Magic mix of adventures and crazy humor for everyone from 7 to 700 years old!
The famous fairy tale taken to the workshop by a group of excellent comedians takes on a whole new color without losing its classic charm.
One of the biggest commercial success in the history of the French comedy.
Two petty thieves fleeing from pursuit in a big department store find refuge in the children's department, where they are forced by children of storytelling. Carried by their extremely relaxed narrative moving to Baghdad flying carpets, beautiful princesses, crafty wizards, and various kinds of viziers and sultans. We meet Aladdin, which some wrongly take for Ali Baba and his rapping servant, that is all-powerful genie himself. Above all, however, we experience unusual adventures heavily fortified incompetent imaginative storytellers.

Movie trailer: Les nouvelles aventures d'Aladin
Your comments
co za szmira! jezus maria i co to ma do Aladyna??? moze ktos wyjasni??
Polecam. Parodia o budowie szkatułkowej z licznymi cytatami z popkultury. Zwraca uwagę dubbing z nawiązaniami do polskiego kina. Z dziesieciolatkiem pękaliśmy ze śmiechu i popcornu.
wyjątkowa kicha - nie polecam, wyszedłem z dzieckiem w połowie ja jego prośbę
Just crazy.
Ujdzie. Orginalne podejście do tematu. Szybkie tempo. Śmieszny i dopracowany polski dubbing. Raczej dla starszych dzieci.
dokladnie ten film to pomieszanie z poplątyaniem - propaganda promująca multi-kulti, gender, oraz środowiska gejowskie itp. nie warto :(
Propaganda multi-kulti, gender, środowisk gejowskich itp... poza tym ujdzie w tłumie...