Cinema program "Animal Kingdom" in Lublin
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"Animal Kingdom"
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Runtime: 112 min.
Production: Australia , 2009
Release Date: 10 December 2010
Distribution: Hagi Film
Directed by: David Michôd
Cast: Guy Pearce, Ben Mendelsohn, Joel Edgerton
Welcome to the Melbourne underworld, where it grows between dangerous criminals napięciae and equally dangerous police. This is what takes place on the streets of the city is a real Wild West. Armed robber Pope Cody (Ben Mendelshon) hiding, fleeing from him hunting a gang of renegade detectives. His business partner and best friend, Barry "Baz" Brown (Joel Edgerton) wants to withdraw from the game, stating that the days of old-school crime forever ended. The younger brother of Pope, dependent on unstable speedu Cody Craig (Sullivan Stapleton) earns a fortune on the trade in illegal substances - real milch cow crime families today, when the youngest of the brothers, Cody, Darren (Luke Ford) naively directed his way through the criminal world - the only world I ever met his family.
It is to this world arrives their nephew, Joshua "J" Cody (James Frecheville). After the death of his mother resides with his hitherto alien to him under the watchful eye of family caring grandmother Smurf (Jacki Weaver), the mother of the brothers Cody.
"J" quickly realizes that he is just a pawn in this world. But, as soon discovers that the world is much bigger and more terrifying than he could ever imagine yourself.
When the voltage between the family and the police reaches the summit, "J" will be in the center of the cold-blooded conspiracy, which turns the family upside down and which also threatens innocent outside observers, as his girlfriend, Nicky (Laura Wheelwright).
One senior police officers, Nathan Leckie (Guy Pearce), must convince the "J" to move to the side of police, and then carry it through the complex minefield of the witness protection program, corrupt police, unscrupulous lawyers and paranoid and vengeful underworld. "J" is aware that in order to survive must understand how this game goes on - must somehow choose their place in this treacherous and brutal animal kingdom. He must work out exactly where it belongs.

Your comments
Cudowny, choć przerażający, bardzo surowy, ascetyczny, ale w tym upatruję jego siłę. Nie jest to film dla ludzi lubujących się w scenach pościgów samochodowych
troche nijaki i nudny jak na calkiem ciekawy temat, przyznam, ze spodziewalam sie bardziej wciagajacej i poruszajacej fabuly
Jak ktos spodziewa sie, typowej sensacji to nie jest film dla niego. Podzielam zdanie primo19.
Surowy, mocny film. Hipnotyzująca rola Jacki Weaver jako babci socjopatycznej rodziny.