Cinema program "Capharnaum" in Lublin
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Runtime: 121 min.
Production: Liban/USA/Francja , 2018
Category: drama
Release Date: 22 February 2019
Distribution: Gutek Film
Directed by: Nadine Labaki
Cast: Zain Al Rafeea, Yordanos Shiferaw, Boluwatife Treasure Bankole
Awarded with the Jury Prize at Cannes, "Capernaum" provoked the loudest and longest (up to fifteen minutes!) Ovation during the festival. The powerful emotional charge that detonates on the screen of Nadine Labaki leaves no one indifferent. Her film absorbs, shakes, moves - and sometimes leads to tears. This is not only a fantastic script, but also the lead actor Zejna Al Rafee. This small refugee from Syria played in a boy who sues his own parents for not being able to provide him with a dignified life.
Twelve-year-old Zejn is a resident of the Beirut slums, painted in "Capernaum" with unusual intensity. According to the title, meaning "chaos", "disorder", "tangle", the district hits with an excess: things, people, and above all children, innocent victims of social reality and class and economic divisions. Nadine Labaki (author of the well-known "Carmel" in Poland) defends them - literally, she plays the role of advocate Zejna in the film. Before the court, the boy recreates his story, evokes dramatic memories, but most importantly: he fights for himself and his future with passion. This child has amazing courage, determination and strength, and through Capernaum he is navigated by a reliable moral compass that distinguishes good from evil. An indefatigable tramp, a small defender even smaller and weaker, Zejn alone challenges injustice and harm. Glancing portraying childlike solidarity, Labaki accents, as she calls them, "small miracles": cordial gestures, acts of compassion and love. It is thanks to them that survival is possible.
Compared to the famous "Slumdog. A millionaire from the street ", the film of a Lebanese director does not serve easy emotions, because he puts in front of us not so much a vulnerable, silent victim, as a boy full of anger and able to shout out his anger. We do not want to become participants in the trial brought by Zejna. And it is only up to us whether we will enter the role of defenders, prosecutors or judges. Because nobody can save the distance from the story told in "Capernaum".

Movie trailer: Capharnaum
Your comments
Wyjątkowy. Jeden z najlepszych jakie widziałem w moim już nie krótkim życiu. Powinien być obowiązkowy do obejrzenia. I dla dorosłych i dla dzieci. I szczególnie chyba w naszej części świata.
tata mama ania adam
Dobry! Bez patosu, bez moralizatorstwa i bez epatowania biedą. Po prostu tak, jak jest.
Poruszający i pozostający w pamięci. Warto
Niezwykle poruszający film, tym bardziej ,że nie jest to fikcja, to się dzieje tu i teraz zaraz obok nas , a my ??????
Proponuję iść na ten film również po to , by przestać narzekać , jak to nam się źle żyje w Polsce. Film niezwykły .
Piekna, wzruszajaca historia
Dawno nie widziałam tak niesamowitego filmu. Wzruszenie i myślenie nie opuszcza długo po.
Nudny, 2 godziny "poruszającej" historii która nic nie zmieni.
Bardzo dobry film, na zawsze pozostanie w pamięci, takich filmów nie zapomina się. Wzbudza wielkie emocje należy go obejrzeć !!!
Zwala z nóg
Wspaniały film, mocny. Rozrywa serce na kawałki...
Kapitalny! Nie znajduję więcej słów, żeby go opisać. Jestem do głębi wstrząśnięta!