Cinema program "Dzikie róże" in Lublin
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"Dzikie róże"
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Runtime: 90 min.
Production: Polska , 2017
Category: drama
Release Date: 29 December 2017
Distribution: Alter Ego Pictures
Directed by: Anna Jadowska
Cast: Marta Nieradkiewicz, Michał Żurawski
Ewa, a young woman living in the countryside, mother of two children, herself with the help of her mother runs the house while her husband Andrzej is earning a family in Norway. During the months of her husband's absence, lonely, she is having an affair with a teenage boy who is in love with her. She gets pregnant and leaves for a few months not to give food to gossip. He gives birth to a child and leaves it for adoption in a hospital. When Andrzej arrives at his daughter's communion, he feels that Ewa has gone away from him. After meeting with colleagues, she suspects that the wife is hiding something from him. The tension between the spouses increases. Stigmatized by people, she feels misunderstood, which also affects her relationships with children. When during her work on the plantation of wild roses, her 2-year-old son suddenly disappears, panicking. Soon the child is looking for the whole village. Andrzej is furious at Ewa. Will they get the child back? Will the relationship survive? Will Ewa reconcile the role of a woman struggling for marriage with the role of a mother who was forced to abandon her child?
This is another, after 'Teraz ja', 'Z miłości' and 'Trzy kobietyach', a film by Anna Jadowska, a director concentrating on the subject of the role and position of women in contemporary Polish society.

Movie trailer: Dzikie róże
Your comments
Powyższy opis psuje wszystko "wywala" wszystko na wierzch, nie czytałam jak szłam do kina i całe szczęście. Film bardzo dobry.
Bardzo dobry film. Łatwy w odbiorze nie jest, ale wciąga.