Cinema program "Arctic" in Lublin
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Runtime: 97 min.
Production: Islandia , 2018
Category: drama
Release Date: 1 February 2019
Distribution: Akson Studio
Directed by: Joe Penna
Cast: Mads Mikkelsen, Maria Thelma Smaradottir
There is no more suggestive picture of human fragility than the image of a dot traveling across a boundless, snowy ocean. There is no more vivid image of perseverance than a man wading in the clouds of snow, torn by gusts of a mighty gale.
A deeply absorbing and suspenseful story, where the main role was played by one of the most talented and appreciated Danish actors, winner of the Golden Palm, Mads Mikkelsen.
Mikkelsen once again proves that he can create a credible character, even in such a harsh and simultaneously sensual thriller as the "Arctic".
You have to appreciate Mikkelsen, who carries the whole film on his back, and when he needs his shoulders and frozen hands. Few actors would be able to give such depth to a figure drawn with a few lines. Needless to say, Penna was very lucky to cast in the film. Collider
With his feature debut, Penna set himself a high bar, which he defeated thanks to Mikkelsen's talent. The Telegraph
Mikkelsen devotes himself completely to the role. His creation is extremely intense - every moan and scream sounds truly painful. The Guardian
Penny style can be described as satisfyingly conventional. Which, however, dazzles with stylish pictures and does not cheat the viewer who trusts his realistic narrative. Variety
This thrifty and expressive 97-minute drama has many advantages, above all the ripping of Mads Mikkelsen's creation, a grounded pilot who is waiting for rescue in the arctic wasteland. Screen International

Movie trailer: Arctic
Your comments
A nie jest przypadkiem tak że Mikkelsen teraz odcina kupony od takich sukcesów jakie przyniosły mu filmy "Polowanie" czy "Jabłka Adama"? Pytam gdyż ostatnio włączyłem sobie na piętnaście za długich minut film z jego udziałem pod tytułem "Polar" też nowa jakaś produkcja. Musze przyznać że takiego szajsu mój wyświetlacz nie pokazywał przynajmniej dawno żeby nie powiedzieć nigdy.